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A Fox without a Tail (Completing Story)

 A Fox without a Tail/ None can befool all/ Trick-of a Cunning Fox

Once there was a clever fox in a jungle. One day, when the fox was walking through
the jungle, he fell into a trap. He could somehow get out of the trap, but he had to leave
his tail behind. Without his tail, the fox looked very odd and strange. "What
should l do now", he cried. But the fox was very clever. He thought and thought.
Then once Mr. Fox had a good idea. So he made a plan. "I'm going to ask all the
foxes to come to a meeting in the jungle," he said to himself.
When the foxes knew about the meeting, they came quickly. "Mr. Fox is very 
clever," all of them said. "What's he going to tell us?" When Mr Fox saw all the '
foxes there, he felt very happy and pleased. "Now listen, my friends," he said.

"Why have I asked you to come here? It's because I've made a very important
discovery that our tails are not useful. They look ugly. So we
should cut off our tails.
All the foxes were listening to-the clever fox. Suddenly an old fox stood and said,
"My friend, your plan is very interesting but foolish. You have no tail. So you want
us to cut off our tails because you have lost. your own tail. We shall not cut off
our tails."
A Fox without a Tail (Completing Story) Reviewed by Toshin Islam on March 27, 2019 Rating: 5


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